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Neuropedagogy - Neuroscience and Education in Collaboration

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The article is concerned with the rapidly developing interdisciplinary field of knowledge known as neuropedagogy (sometimes also called educational neuroscience, pedagogical neuroscience, science of mind, brain and education, neurodidactics and so on). The article does not omit to formulate the basic ontological, epistemological and ethical principles of neuropedagogy (which are often not explicitly expressed, but still strongly influence the orientation of research in the scientific discipline) and characterise the problematic (or set of problems) with which the discipline is concerned (above all the search for the neural foundations of the processes of human learning and behaviour and how social environment affects them).

We also briefly survey the methods used in neuropedagogy with an emphasis on imaging methods for the neural system especially the brain. Finally we list several internationally significant research institutions, organisations or societies that are working systematically in this field of knowledge.

This article is one of the first written in Czech on the theme of neuropedagogics, but restrictions of space mean that we cannot go into much detail and so focus just on the basic questions of neuropedagogical research.