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Lichens of the Český kras/Bohemian Karst (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic): a summary of previous surveys and a checklist of the area

Publication at Faculty of Science |


An overview of historical surveys in the Český kras / Bohemian Karst together with a checklist of lichens of the area is presented. In total, 434 taxa are known from the area of interest of which 16 are reported from the area for the first time, namely Absconditella sphagnorum, Acarospora oligospora, Bacidia circumspecta, Bacidina neosquamulosa, B. sulphurella, Buellia epigaea, Caloplaca chlorina s.str., C. ferrarii s.l., C. oasis, Catillaria chalybeia, Collema coccophorum, Eiglera flavida, Lecanora pulicaris, Lemmopsis arnoldiana, Usnea subfloridana and Verrucaria bryoctona.

Caloplaca atroflava is recorded as new to the Czech Republic. 62 taxa have not been recently confirmed. In addition 27 species are considered doubtful, incorrectly identified/excerpted or of uncertain identity.

Two species: Hymenelia melanocarpa (Kremp.) Lutzoni and Lecidea subdiffracta (Arnold) Lettau should be excluded from the upcoming checklist of the Czech Republic. The relevant specimens published by Servít (1911, 1930) were revised and belong to Eiglera flavida and Clauzadea monticola, respectively.

The number of lichens found in the area represents approx. 28 % of the known lichen flora of the Czech Republic. Many saxicolous and terricolous species are confined to or preferentially growing on limestone.

Several species seem to have the core of their distribution in the Bohemian Karst within the Czech Republic, particularly the species confined to or preferrably growing on diabase (paleozoic basalt), which is another characteristic substrate in the area, e.g. Lecanora argopholis, Lobothallia alphoplaca, Peccania cernohorskyi, Toninia diffracta and T. physaroides.