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The amendment of penal regulations 2014

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The article contains a survey of legislative changes in criminal law according to act No. 141/2014 Sb. This act amended the penal code, the act on criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them.

In the introduction, the author characterises generally the adopted enactments, which were mainly brought about by the need of adjusting Czech criminal law to the requirements ensuing from European law, particularly from the law of the European Union. In substantive criminal law, it is a matter of increasing protection against people trafficking and protecting children from sexual attacks.

In the realm of procedural criminal law it is a matter of expanding the procedural rights of a person, against which a penal proceeding is being conducted, so that this person would have the rights from the respective directive of the European Parliament and the Council for Providing Information in Criminal Proceedings (directive 2012/13/EU). An finally, the act on criminal liability of legal entities and on proceedings against them has been amended as well, in which usury has been added to the list of criminal acts, which a legal entity can commit.