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Allergy vaccine in general practice

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


"Allergy vaccines" or properly said Specific Allergen Immunotherapy is a process when the exactly specified allergens, to which is the patient hypersensitive, are dosed to the patient's organism. Allergy is a systemic disease with its local manifestation as a rhinoconjuctivitis, sinusitis, malfunction of olfactory sense, nasal polyposis, otitis media, hearing malfunction, asthma bronchiale and GIT malfunction.

Some patients suffer from non-specific problems like insomnia, snore, headaches, overall exhaustion, underperformance with concentration malfunction, sometimes even depressive episodes. Timely dispatch of patients with symptoms of allergic inflammation to the allergist and initiation of Specific Allergen Immunotherapy (SIT) is the most important step in prevention of the chronic problems.

Only allergist-clinical immunologist has possibility to choose three different forms of SIT: subcutaneous, sublingual in form of drops and sublingual in form of tablets. Indications and contraindications of this therapy should not be generalized, but should be assessed individually.

SIT is absolutely indicated especially in the cases of anaphylactic reaction to insect stings. The minimum treatment period is 3-5 years or more and requires absolute cooperation of the patient to be efficient.