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Actor analysis as a tool for exploring the decision-making processes in environmental governance

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The chapter summarizes the actor analysis method, its theoretical underpinnings and application as a tool for the exploration of decision-making processes in environmental governance. Actor analysis focuses on the social dimension of political debate in cases of regional sustainable development, describes the nature of relationships, either competitive or cooperative, between social actors in networks and how this relates to the development of social capital.

A step by step description of the application of the method and interpretation of findings is provided and demonstrated using Czech case studies. Options for actor analysis utilisation are described: it can be employed as a research approach to generate findings useful for comparison with the results of international meta-analysis of decision making processes in environmental issues.

Thus the analysis can contribute to the currently insufficient empirical evidence and address theoretical assumptions about participation and governance. Actor analysis can also be utilised in contextualized, problem oriented teaching and learning and can serve at a practical level to support processes of environmental governance in concrete cases of regional development.