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Cross-border statistical database



Borderland is a specific territory both from the point if views various disciplines as well as everyday life. Gradual opening of the state borders in recent years as an conclusion of deepened European integration has not changed that fact at all.

Different approaches on continental, state, regional (e.g. provincial, territorial and district) as well local levels encounter here. Relevant research of a very close neighborhood requires compatibility of relevant spatial data (statistics, development documents, cartographic/GIS outputs).

This methodology proposal comes out of the current situation in both Czech and neighboring countries' regional statistics, with a special emphasis on comparability in terms of territorial, fact-based and time (frequency, periodicity, development) features. Topically, the survey has selected particular topics, which can be summarized into issues as follows: environmental, social and economic.

The completed analysis will help to discover weak points. Subsequently, corrections will be proposed, so that relevant indicators can be monitored.

That can help to accomplish mutual and integral development of the Czech borderland.