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Long-term treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, golimumab

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Introduction Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is defined as the systemic inflammatory rheumatic diseases highly associated with HLA B27, which mainly affects the axial skeleton and ossification leads to peripheral parts of the vertebral disc surrounding vazů.1 delay between first symptoms and diagnosis of AS is up to nine years, when it is often present radiographic changes skeletu.2 reported that up to 60% of patients with AS becomes disability within 15 years of disease. Characteristic of the disease and one of the first manifestations of the presence of inflammatory pain in younger individuals: resting, sometimes night pain, morning stiffness associated with a vanishing after rozcvičení.2 typical symptom is pain in the sacroiliac joints at a sacroiliitis.

According to the clinical picture we distinguish these forms of the disease: pure axial rhizomelickou with disabilities large root joints (hips and shoulders), peripheral Scandinavian (peripheral joints) and entezopatickou with disabilities Enteza. For extra-articular manifestations of AS are often enthesitis, tendinitis, eye involvement (recurrent and chronic anterior uveitis), uncommon lung disease.

Cardiac complications AS has character aortitis, clinical manifestation of aortic insufficiency. According to x-ray changes are four stages of sacroiliitis and by the extent of the sacroiliac joints and various parts of the spine five stages AS (IV).

AS adequate treatment involves influencing axial symptoms (pain, stiffness), improvement in function, peripheral atritidy, dactylitis, and enthesitis extraarticular manifestations of the disease and alleviate the radiographic progression of the disease.