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Papinianus by Andreas Gryphius - A Pagan Turned Christian Martyr?!

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The article discusses a 1659 theatre play by the German Baroque playwright and lawyer Andreas Gryphius entitled "Groβmüttiger RechtsGelehrter oder Sterbender Aemilius Paulus Papinianus". The play is about the famous Roman lawyer Papinianus, who was executed in 212 by Emperor Caracalla after Papinianus refused to support the Emperor-ordered killing of the Emperor's brother and co-ruler Geta.

The author first analyses the personality of Andreas Gryphius and focuses on his studies at the famous Leiden University and his subsequent service to the Hlohovy nobility. The author next explains the significance of Papinianus's work and presents the content of the theatre play, which he subjects to a legal analysis.

At the end the author considers whether Papinianus - a pagan - can also be viewed as a Christian martyr.