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Bleeding complication with the TVT-Exact procedure: a report of two cases

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Midurethral tension-free vaginal tapes (TVT), placed through the retropubic space or through the obturator foramina, are widely used for the surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. Some complications are associated with retropubic tapes owing to the passage of the tape through the space of Retzius.

One of the most frequent complications is bleeding, and if injury to major vessels is involved, this may be life-threatening. In 2010, the Gynecare TVT-ExactA (R) Continence System was introduced onto the market, with a rigid trocar shaft measuring 3.0 mm in diameter.

We have no clinical data regarding the complication rate, especially concerning bleeding, connected with this device; all data are related to the original size of the TVT inserter. The cases presented demonstrate that bleeding complications can occur with the TVT-Exact procedure.