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Research preconceptions of intact primary school pupils about intellectual disability

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Poster paper presents a qualitative research preconceptions pupils without disability toward intellectual disability. The quality of the relationship between the pupils without disability and pupils with disability in mainstream school (which is a significant factor in the successful integration / inclusion) is determined, inter alia, the amount of relevant information, attitudes and perceptions (preconceptions) pupils without disability of peers with disability.

Within this study were observed mainly opinions, knowledge, perceptions and attitudes pupils without disability to the concept of intellectual disability. The research sample consisted of three pupils (pupils aged 10 to 15 years) from a common primary school urban type.

The core research method was phenomenographic interview. Through this method it was possible to analyse in detail and characterise pupil preconceptions, especially the cognitive dimension of the concept of intellectual disability of the pupils (knowledge, understanding the concept) and affective dimension (meaning that is attributed to that concept and attitudes of pupils themselves).

The results indicate trends in children's thinking about intellectual disability. In contrast, rigid and generally negative attitudes related to the integration of peers with intellectual disability into mainstream education were registered in all surveyed pupils regardless of their age.