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Remus Gabriel Anghel: Romanians in Western Europe. Migration, Status Dilemmas, and Transnational Connections

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Remus Gabriel Anghel is a Romanian sociologist and anthropologist, his research aim is migration, transnational migration and globalization. He successfully passed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of sociology of Bielefeld University and he currently works at the Department of political sciences of Babeş-Bolyai University and at the Romanian Institute for national minority research, both in in Romanian town called Cluj-Napoca.

English written publication called Romanians in western Europe is author's dissertation work and the second Anghel's monography. He publicated book called The making of worlds society: Perspective from transnational research in 2008 and together with István Horváth publicated Sociologia migraţiei: Teorii şi studii de caz românesţi in 2009.

Anghel research interests are aimed at the migration of Romanians, remigration of Romanian Germans and recently also migation of Romanian Croats.