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Precision of travel cost measures in estimation the recreation demand: the case of Šumava national park

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The aim of the presentation is to introduce a recreation demand model for Šumava NP. The analysis focuses on estimation of welfare associated with 1 trip to Šumava NP and a sensitivity analysis to definition of travel cost.

Based on the analysis, conclusions can be drawn on the implications for further Czech recreation studies, for example whether it is "worth" to go for a time-consuming precise measurement of travel and time using GIS/route planners; whether the noise introduced by simplifications significantly affects the results; or whether the statements on travel costs made by respondents are reliable. The analysis is based on the survey of recreationists in the Šumava NP, which is a large-sized recreational area to which many visitors come from a long distance and from large municipalities, and as such represents an excellent pilot site to answer these questions for Czech setting.