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Preferred and actual relative height are related to sex, sexual orientation, and dominance: Evidence from Brazil and the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine |


Height and dominance influence mate preferences and choices. We explored preferred relative height (PRH) among ideal partners and actual relative height (ARH) among long-term partners in heterosexual and non-heterosexual men and women from Brazil and the Czech Republic.

Furthermore, we tested whether PRH and ARH are influenced by own height, and submissiveness-dominance in relationship and sex. In a sample of 1.709 respondents (379 heterosexual men, 311 non-heterosexual men, 853 heterosexual women, and 166 non- heterosexual women) heterosexual men and women showed the "male-taller-norm" preferences and choices, while non-heterosexuals preferred and chose partners of a height similar to themselves; an "equal-height-norm".

Regression further showed that own height positively predicted both PRH and ARH in all four groups of participants. Moreover, non-heterosexual men and women who preferred to be dominant in sexual activities and heterosexual men who preferred to be dominant in relationships preferred to be taller than their partner.