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Říčky (Alma) and Čertův Důl (Srázný) MINUS SIGN two neglected localitiesof historical mining in the Orlické Mountains

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper exposed here describes two localities of historical mining in the area of OrlickéMountains. First locality is situated near small town Říčky v Orlických horách.

Prospecting, andprobably also shortMINUS SIGN time mining, took place NE from the town in 19th century in order to exploit ironores (hematite). Locality was described in the old regional literature, but this paper brings thedetailed description and localization of the mining remains.

The second locality occurs not far fromthe village Čertův Důl, on the foothill of the Srázný (863,1 m n. m.). Remains of a small, partially subsurface quarry, which was opened on a limestone deposit, were found there.

This locality,probably comes from the 20th century, was not described in geological literature until now.