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The Social Trauma of the Catastrophe in the Workplace: A Case Study the Blast in "Pinsk Wood", October 25, 2010

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


As we know, a collective trauma is a traumatic psychological effect shared by a group. This study focused on the sociocultural trauma in Belarusian society that developed from the blast at a "Pinskwood" factory in Belarusian Pinsk in Octobre, 25, 2010.

After five years, this traumatic case is still actual in political discourse of Belarusian society. In this article, we try to get the answers to several questions: what causes helped to come sociocultural trauma, what are the internal aspects of the sociocultural trauma of Belarusian conditions, how Belarusian society is making sense of trauma.

For this work, we shall analyze Belarusian internet field, especially blogosphere, news portals and public forums. The analytical categories of the study will be a field of the incident, collective agents of the trauma process, narrative of trauma process, recipients of trauma, collective body of trauma, meaning of trauma to society.