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The Personal Library of the Lawyer, Poet and Translator Antonín Pikhart

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Antonín Pikhart, a trained lawyer, was an important culturally-active figure at the turn of the 20th century. A particularly notable achievement of his from the literary-historical perspective was that he laid the foundations of Czech systematic translation from Spanish, Catalan and to a lesser degree Ibero-American literature.

He also devoted himself to writing his own texts, mostly lyric works and travel or biographical feuilletons. An analysis of his personal library has brought interesting information not only on its origin and organisation but also on Pikhart's work as a translator and on his relations with Spanish and Catalan writers.

Building on the data collected during the research of the library, we studied also Pikhart's correspondence received from selected men-of-letters from Spain, which forms part of his personal collection deposited in the Museum of Czech Literature.