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The Aesthetics of Photography in World Press Photo in the View of Visual Semiotics

Publikace na Fakulta humanitních studií |


World Press Photo (WPP) is an institution that every year selects the "best" reportage photographs. According to the official declaration of academy that selects these pictures, its purpose is to "help nurture the talent and passion of photojournalists who tell remarkable stories - stories that can open our eyes and inspire a greater understanding of the world around us." This statement itself opens questions about function and value of chosen photographs.

During past 60 years this institution has produced pictures which in many cases became the ideal of qualities of reportage photography. At the same time, they may be recognized as an pattern for representation of importance of given events and social issues of the 2nd half 20th century.There is another kind of communication that can contribute to these strategies, it is the linguistic communication.

Although there is no text involved right in the picture, as it is in the addvertisement, selected pictures are revealed in exhibitions or website with additional information. This information serves not only as anchor in time and space of events taking place in the picture.