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Angel or Dark Lady : typology of female characters in the Croatian prose of the 19th century

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper aims to map out the typology of female characters in the Croatian prose of the 19th century as well as demonstrate prevalent type's employed by male authors as August Šenoa, Antun Kovačić, J. E.

Tomić and Vjenceslav Novak. Under the influence of western tradition, sentimentalism and domesticity exist certain figures and archetypes, that reflects view of gender roles in the patriarchal society.

Thus the paper engages sustained tension between the two dominant types of femininity; idealized and objectified angelic female against destructive seductress that represents disruptive mythical force against the social order. Paper also mentions shift towards verisimilitude female characters towards the end of 19th century when emphasis has been placed on the heroines's bid for independence and self development.

Yet radical otherness in terms of open fight against interwoven preconditions is absent.