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Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Humanities |


Background: Transference is part of almost all human relations, and therefore is also a part of any therapeutic relationship. Classic CBT literature deals with transference only marginally.

But to the work with complex patients, the conceptualization of transference and counter-transferenceneed to be developed, as well as dealing with ethical issues that relate to the transference. Method: Articles and studies were identified through Pub Med, Web of Science and Scopus databases as well as existing reviews.

The search terms included "transference", "cognitive behavioral therapy", "acceptance and commitment therapy", "schema therapy", "dialectic behavioral therapy", "compassion therapy", "ethics" in different combinations. Other relevant texts were searched by references found articles.

Outcome: Transference relationship can work in conjunction with therapy and helps to achieve its objectives, or restricts the therapy, distorts it or blocks. For uncomplicated psychiatric disorders and to solve simple problems CBT doesn't address the therapeutic relationship.

Conversely, therapeutic relationship becomes the focus of the therapy in clients with personality disorders. It can be used to identifying automatic thoughts, dysfunctional assumptions and corebeliefs well as to their changing.

Transference may also be misconduct in favor the therapist at the expense of the client. The crossing of the borders can be done unconsciously or consciously.

Ethical reflection of the therapeutic relationship is possible only when the therapist conceptualizes recognized transference of the client and also own counter-transference reactions. Self-reflection, however, must be supplemented by asking the relevant ethical questions.

Conclusions: Awareness of the transfer relation and its elaborating for the benefit of the client is one of the questions belonging to ethical reflection therapist.