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Chipped stone industry from the Late Neolithic settlement area with rondel at Vchynice (Northwest Bohemia)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article focuses on chipped stone industry of the Stroke Pottery culture (STK, 5100/5000-4500/ 4400 cal. BC) from the Late Neolithic settlement area with rondel (circular enclosure, Kreisgrabenanlage) at Vchynice (Litoměřice distr.).

The assemblage was examined in terms of technological categories of chipped stone industry, morphologic-functional tool groups, and the spectrum of raw materials used in the STK period. The set of artefacts from feature no. 37 allowed a more detailed study of erratic silicites production sequence.

Based on the intermediate results of analysis of the individual categories and artefact groups, comparison of finds from the fill of settlement features and the rondel ditch was undertaken. The assemblage was also compared with material from other published STK sites; the conclusion is that the quantity and nature of the finds from the settlement area with rondel at Vchynice corresponds with the existing knowledge of raw material regional occurence, chipped stone industry production technology, and incidence and types of retouched tools.