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A new species of scalpelliform cirripede (Crustacea, Cirripedia) from the Upper Cenomanian–Lower Turonian shallow-water facies at Velim (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin) and its palaeoecological implications

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


A new species of stalked cirripede Capitulum sklenari sp. nov. is described from shallow-water deposits of Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian age at Velim (near Kolín, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic). Capitulum sklenari together with associated fauna at Velim are interpreted as reflecting shallow-water conditions at this locality within the Bohemian Basin during the Cretaceous.

This is the stratigraphically earliest record of the living genus Capitulum. The palaeogeographical distribution of all Cretaceous species of pollicipedids is discussed.