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Results of complex functional examination of ice hockey players' teams of HC Rytíři Kladno



Functional examination of ice hockey players HC Kladno (senior team, junior team and older cadets' team) included basic anthropometric examination, spirometry, and a maximum exercise test to ""vita maxima"" om a cycle ergometer or on a treadmill. The cardiorespiratory indices were followed at rest, at the end of two three-min lasting submaximum warm-up exercises and during exercise of increasing intensity to maximum (ramp-test).

At three minutes after finishing the stepwise maximum test, a fingertip blood sample was withdrawn to determine the blood lactate concentration. The results of the tests were evaluated according the criteria for functional preparedness of ice hockey players of different age category, i.e. seniors, junior players and older cadets, both as regards the teams and also in individual players, in which the intra-individual changes in state of training and physical fitness were evaluated.