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The properties of paragliding theory test for pilot license applicants

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of the study was to assess the properties of test, which uses the Light Aircraft Association (LAA CR hereafter) to examine knowledge of the theory of paragliding in the framework of the examination for obtaining a pilot's license in the Light Aircraft Association (LAA CR hereafter). The study was conducted in two stages.

In the first phase were analyzed sensitivity and difficulty of test's tasks (Honsová & Šťastná, 2012) and in the second phase, the results of which are presented in this article, we analyzed the quality of distractors, we evaluated the properties of the test, namely the validity and reliability of the test and we dealt with unusual situations that may arise in calculating the sensitivity of the task. The results of distractor analysis proved, that 8% distractors of the total amount of 584 distractors are unsatisfactory and we recommended to replace them.

When assessing the content validity, 3 of 292 tasks were designated as unsatisfactory. After removal of these tasks the test will be sufficiently content valid.

The result of the estimation of reliability by method of Kuder-Richardson, which we modified, was 0.8, and we consider this a satisfactory reliability. Based on comparing three coefficients of sensitivity biserial coefficient is considered the most suitable.

In view of the fact that this test from the theory of paragliding is compulsory part of the exam trough obtaining a pilot's license in the LAA CR, we consider the analysis as very useful and after recommended editing this test can be considered a high-quality diagnostic tool.