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Understand - read - hear - see

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Catholic Theological Faculty, Hussite Theological Faculty, Faculty of Arts |


Catholic theological faculty of Charles University in Prague organized under the auspices of doc. PhDr.

Martin Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. the conference "See - Hear - Read - Understand". It was international conference of students in doctoral programmes.

The authors of contributions are PhD. students from universities from Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Roma, Bologna, Padova, Wroclaw, Krakow, Warszawa etc. The theme of the conference ""See - Hear - Read -Understand"" was selected with the intention of involving the widest possible circle of PhD. students in humanities as well as to offer the students enough space to choose their own topic and to deal with it.

Contributions concern works of visual art, theology, cultural history, literature, or music. The scholarly focus are range from the material works (e. g. those of the visual arts) to non-material works (e. g. music or intellectual ideas).

Besides a basic description of the selected work, the contributions include its historical context as well as its interpretation, according to the sensual perception given by the title of the conference. The works are thus explained by means of how people can see it, hear it, or read it and, hence, how they understand it.

Introductory article of the conference Proceeding is the lecture of Professor Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Princeton University "What is German about German Renaissance Art".