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Trichobilharzia anseri n. sp (Schistosomatidae: Digenea), a new visceral species of avian schistosomes isolated from greylag goose (Anser anser L.) in Iceland and France

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Parasitological investigations carried out on birds in Iceland and France highlight the presence of four species of avian schistosomes from greylag geese (Anser anser L.): the european nasal species Trichobilharzia regenti and three visceral species, among which an unknown species isolated from blood vessels of the large intestine and liver. Morphological and molecular analyzes of different parasite stages (eggs, adults) revealed new species of Trichobilharzia genus - Trichobilharzia anseri sp. nov.

Studies on host-parasite relationship under natural conditions, showed that the life-cycle includes the snail Radix balthica (syn. R. peregra) as intermediate host.

The cercariae, already isolated in Iceland from two ponds of the Reykjavik capital area - the Family park and Tjornin Lake - are the same as those isolated in 1999 by Kolarova et al. during the first study on Icelandic parasitic agents of cercarial dermatitis.