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Therapeutic options in polycystic kidney disease

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Polycystic kidney disease of autosomal dominant type is the most common hereditary kidney disease. Patients are often monitored from childhood, because it is necessary to strictly control their blood pressure, with 24 hour monitoring.

Some of the patients are treated with inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzymes from childhood already. Nowadays, patients are primarily recommended to follow symptomatic measures - sufficient hydration, reduced intake of beverages containing caffeine or thein, reduced salt intake and a generally healthy lifestyle.

The most important thing for young patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with normal renal function is strict blood pressure control (according to latest studies, it should be below 110/75 mmHg). From clinical studies, tolvapatan (vasopressin V2-receptor blocker) and somatostatin derivatives are showing promise.

In child patients, a study with pravastatin showed positive results as well. The immunosuppressives sirolimus and everolismus had many adverse effects and no clear positive influence in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.