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Access to health care for children of immigrants from non-EU countries in the Czech Republic from the perspective of parents and health professionals

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The aim of the presentation is to present the experience of non EU migrants with access to health care for their children in the Czech Republic and also experience health workers who care about them. Research is based on a qualitative approach - design multiple case studies.

It was realized twenty-four semi-structured interviews with migrants with different nationalities and with different types of residence permits in the Czech Republic and twenty semi-structured interviews with health professionals (especially physicians) in the area of primary care, specialized outpatient care and inpatient care. Children of migrants are facing formal and informal barriers to the use of the Czech health care system.

Among the most important are the limited legal entitlement for public health insurance, access to commercial health insurers based on market principles, language barriers, mistrust and misinformation not only immigrants, but also health workers. These barriers are the reason, why migrants in practice often choose an alternative strategy of seeking health care.

It could lead to adverse effects on the health of their children, but also a public health hazard. The research confirmed the existence of "salmon bias efect" , e.g. that migrants in the case of health problems and health care needs are returning to their country of origin.

Also, health workers in connection with the provision of health care to children of foreigners are facing a number of problems. Part of the medical staff does not understand the dual system of public and parallel commercial health insurance.

It could seriously worsen the relationship patient - physician, which is already complicated by language and cultural barriers. Health workers also mentioned a greater risk of errors and possible complications due to communication barriers and insufficient orientation of foreigners in Czech health care system or unavailability of the patient's medical records.