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Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Breast reconstruction is perceived today as a final stage of breast cancer treatment. It follows the most important phase of treatment, which saves patient's life.

It should never interfere with breast cancer treatment. The result of a breast reconstruction depends significantly on condition of tissues in an area after mastectomy, whether the patient underwent radiotherapy and a willingness of the patient to undergo different demanding procedures.

According to timing, we divide breast reconstructions to immediate and delayed. Delayed reconstructions are performed generally at least six months following mastectomy.

Use of breast implant for breast reconstruction belongs to least demanding techniques. Time of the procedure and recovery is usually shorter then other types of operations.

Reconstruction using autologous tissue most frequently uses a flap consisted of skin and subcutaneous tissue moved to the chest wall for creating volume and shape of a new breast. Other operations intended to achieved symmetry and recreate areola with mammilla follow the creating of volume and shape of the breast.