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The Role of Publishers in Production of Textbooks

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Pedagogická fakulta

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The paper presents partial results of a larger research project, in which the author focuses on analysis of mathematics textbooks with respect to their non-mathematical, cultural content. It belongs to process-oriented research in the area of textbook research.

In other papers the author has shown that textbooks of mathematics are full of cultural values which are handed over to pupils implicitly, by the way, while solving mathematics problems. In this paper the author analyses three in-depth interviews with editors from three different publishing houses.

These interviews were conducted with the aim of pinpointing the role of the editor in the process of textbook production and influence they have on the final form of a mathematics textbook. The paper presents partial results of a larger research project, in which the author focuses on analysis of mathematics textbooks with respect to their non-mathematical, cultural content.

The presented qualitative research study falls in the field of process-oriented textbook research. In other papers the authors has shown that textbooks of mathematics are full of cultural values which are handed over to pupils implicitly, by the way, when they are solving mathematics problems.

In this paper the author analyses three in-depth interviews with editors from three different publishing houses in the Czech Republic. These interviews were conducted with the aim of defining the role of the editor in the process of textbook creation and the influence they have on the final form of a mathematics textbook.

The research question the author is trying to answer is who is responsible for the cultural values that pupils are brought up on in mathematics. The analysis of the interviews shows that different publisher have very different strategies in production of textbooks and the roles of the editor and the author are very different.

The conclusions of the study suggest more attention should be paid to the whole process of textbook production. Taking into account that textbooks are official documents approved by the Ministry of Education, the cultural values they present deserve due attention.