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Contrustivism and its application in language education 1.level of basic school Contrustivism and its application in language education 1.level of basic school

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper discusses the problems and finding ways to properly integrate constructivist elements into the Czech language teaching. The author introduces vested results and findings of the grant project GA CR P407/12/1830, entitled "Relationship of cognitive structures pupil and structures of the language system in the process of education of Czech language", which from 2012 discusses finding new didactic solutions to language education is systematically applying constructivist educational approaches.

The author presents current research investigations, their tools and findings in the field of mapping shape children / pupils' preconceptions of the current concept of the educational process at the 1st grade of primary school. It outlines some of the issues of linguistic phenomena, calls for linking known in the natural communication experience acquired language of a child with generally accepted patterns of language system, it drew attention to solving current problems of the didactics of Czech language.