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Europe of Contradictions: A Searching the Roots. Three Selected Chapters

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The main aim of the present essay is to focus, from cultural and political point of view, on three different periods in European history - firstly, the birth and nature of Greek civilization and its heritage, secondly, point-counter-point relation between Roman empire and penetrating barbarians, and thirdly, turn of the 10th and 11th century in Latin west - and to show that European history is more or less the continuous process, however, full of contradictory moments, which contain in themselves very fruitful seeds for further development. Periods are scrutinized at their critical points of turn.

At the foreground of the essay is to describe what had been politically, intellectually and spiritually vivid in the periods in question and what remained after social and cultural changes as the most propitious and progressive within the certain time and place.