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Scalp Defect (Giant Aplasia Cutis Congenita of the Scalp in a Newborn)

Publikace na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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A full term male newborn, born by normal delivery after an uncomplicated pregnancy presented with extensive tissue defect of the scalp (measuring 8 x 9cm) and large underlying bony defect, the affected area consisted of a membranous and crusts cover over the entire posterior-parietal region (Figure 1). He showed no signs of acute distress or neurological impairment.

MRI of brain revealed no abnormalities. There were no other organ abnormalities.

Routine laboratory data, infection, metabolic and hematological laboratory panels were normal. Karyotype was 46XY.

Affected area was treated conservatively [gentle cleansing of the denuded area with saline-antibiotic-impregnated non-adherent dressing (dermacyn) to promote healing in a moist environment]. The dressing was changed every 3-4 days for two months, after that he was discharged home with ambulatory follow-up ( Figure 2).