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Modeling and Validating Self-adaptive Service-oriented Applications

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Self-adaptive and autonomous behaviors are becoming more and more important in the context of service-oriented applications, and formal modeling self-adaptive service-oriented components is highly required to assure quality properties. This paper enhances the formal framework SCA-ASM for modeling and validating distributed self-adaptive service-oriented applications.

We explain how modeling an SCA-ASM component able to monitor and react to environmental changes (context-awareness) and to internal changes (self-awareness), and present the operators for expressing and coordinating self-adaptive behaviors in a distributed setting. We also support techniques for validating adaptation scenarios, and getting feedback of the correctness of the adaptation logic as implemented by the managing SCA-ASM components over the managed ones.

As a proof-of-concepts, we use self-adaptive SCA-ASMs for modeling and validating a decentralized traffic monitoring system.