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Quantum Theory of International Relations: Approaches and Possible Gains

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The modern science was traditionally based on the Newtonian idea of the world that is rationalistic, contains direct relation between cause and result and allows prediction, in principle at least. This clear deterministic idea failed gradually and post-postivistic approaches took place.

Nevertheless they never challenged core assumptions of the Newtonian world. How does this view change, if we take quantum theory as basis for our understanding? Can we better explain current complex world with quantum phenomena like the superposition of states, collapse of state or quantum entanglement.

Can quantum interaction with its holistic nature explain collective action and cooperation? This paper presents theoretical consultation of this problem and sets the agenda for ""quantum theory of social science"". We introduce the classification of approaches to the application of quantum theory in the social science, particularly the International Relations.

We use three logical possibilities of relation between the quantum system and a general social system - that of identity, analogy and metaphor.