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Ethnic engineering, or unavoidable reality? The exodus of Bosnian Serbians Ethnic engineering, or unavoidable reality? The exodus of Bosnian Serbians from Sarajevo after the end of the civil war. Reasons, results, solution

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The central problem of the study is the last phase of the forced ethnic homogenization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, unintentionally caused by the peace accord, concluded on the American base in Dayton in the year 1995. On the basis of the border agreements the competing parties were forced to hand over some lands they were so far controlling to the hands of the enemy.

This caused another wave of involuntary mass migrations. The most controversial transfer of territory has been the handing over of fi ve settlements of Sarajevo with mostly Serbian inhabitants to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the fi rst three months of the year 1996.

The circumstances of how exactly the majority of the Serbians were forced to leave their homes had so far not been fully clarifi ed. Besides analyzing the course of events of this and accompanying cases the present study focuses on the impact of the forced migrations on the fi nal destination of the migrants, i.e. the Republic of Serbia, as well as on trying to fi nd possible solutions of the situation of the Serbian migrants from part of local authorities.

The fi nal part of the text evaluates who arguments that have often been mentions with respect to the weak minority repatriation of Serbians to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.