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Creative approaches to narrative in didactics of literature: narrative transformations and their didactic potential

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Didactic narrative transformation of a text in prose represents one of the possible manners of active getting to know of a literary piece. During narrative transformations we can make our pupils live a real reader's experience, and, what is even more important, we can make them learn from their own creative activity.

In this chapter, the author explains how narrative transformation works and how it is related to the concept of narrative transformation in theory of literature. From the theoretical point of view, the following concepts are important for the text: Doležel's concept of literary transduction, namely so-called postmodern transcription of a piece of work, Doležel's scheme of the process of subjectivization of narrative, and the model of constituents proposed by Alice Jedličková.Pupils were asked to read Franz Kafka's short story The Passenger and consequently to transform the subjectively narrated story (1st person) into an objective narrative (3rd person).

Then they had to reflect the transformation process. An analysis of three chosen pupils' performances (a mechanical transformation, a radical transformation and a transformation that does not match to the task) is given at the end of the chapter, providing some conclusions and recommendations.