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Desaturases of fatty acids (fads) and their physiological and clinical implication

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Increased incidence of conditions associated with insulin resistance, such as overweight / obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), cardiovascular disease (CVD) and certain cancers neurologic-psychiatric disease, is characterized by a decrease in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, long chain (LC -PUFA). The amount of LC-PUFA derived from both the exogenous intake of their precursors - acid.

Linoleic alpha-linolenic - and the speed of their metabolic conversion, which involved a number of enzymes - delta-6 desaturase (D6D, FADS2) D5D (FADS1) and elongase (Elovl2, -5.6). Changes in activity D5D / D6D been described in a number of diseases, including neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, bipolar affective disorders, dementia), metabolic diseases (obesity, metabolic syndrome, DM2), CVD (hypertension, coronary artery disease), chronic inflammations and allergies (Crohn's disease, atopic eczema), and certain tumors.

Analogous results were demonstrated by studies the association between genotypes / haplotypes FADS1 / FADS2 and the above mentioned groups of diseases, or the interaction between the intake of ALA and LA incidence of minor allelic FADS1 / FADS2, which are generally lower enzymatic activity. DD decrease in activity, respectively.

FADS in a lower product concentration associated with increased substrate concentrations. Some associations have been described SNP FADS with coronary artery disease, lipid levels, oxidative stress, glucose homeostasis and inflammatory responses.

Experimental studies in animal models and rare occurrence of diseases associated with the absence, respectively. a significant decline in activity D5D / D6D desaturase highlighted the importance for the healthy development of body.