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The Economic Approach to Law

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The publication introduces the economic analysis of law as an interdisciplinary and contextual approach to law which can offer a lot to the Czech legal theory and practice. It reacts to a decreasing interest of the Czech legal community in this so far neglected approach.

Rather than an alternative to main world textbook of the economic analysis of law, the book provides a deeper discussion of the usability of economics in the context of law. The analysed topic include for instance the general relationship between law and economics or the footing that the economic approach has in the European and particularly Czech environment.

The authors familiarize the readers with basic concepts, institutes and streams of modern Law & Economics and moreover provide some examples of the application of the economic analysis of law to specific issues of Czech and European law. The book is intended mainly for lawyers having an interest in the usability of the economic analysis of law in solution of traditional legal problems.

Acquainting oneself with the legal view on the adequate role of economics in law can, nevertheless, benefit also economist.