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Foot kinematics analysis in extreme load


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With the present lifestyle, the loss of natural functions of the foot occurs with decreasing of the mobility and activity of the foot in daily movements. Although research on foot biomechanics is widespread, questions about individual strategies of movement of the foot are still arising, not only during walking, but also in more extreme loading situations.

The foot kinematics changes during locomotion in accordance with the motion character. In the case of the vertical jump first comes the subtalar joint pronation to absorb the shock after the impact, when the maximum of the arch flexibility is used.

After that the foot supinates to stabilize the medial arch to prepare for take off [1], load transfers to the first metatarsal head and the hallux [2]. The aim of this study was to describe individual strategies of foot kinematics in extreme loading - during vertical jump on one foot and to compare this parameter to the active function and mobility of the foot.