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Ergonomics in the dental office. Part II

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The second article of the series Ergonomics in the dental office deals with recommendations concerning the types and layout of the instruments and equipment around the dentist's working field. The accessibility of the instruments is essential.

The dentist's stool plays an important role in holding the correct work posture. Ergonomically appropriate dental chair should be comfortable for the patient, easily controlled and suitably shaped.

Both hand and rotary instruments should be light-weight and balanced. Sharpness of the instruments as well as holding them by modified pen grip decreases loading of the fingers and wrist.

Good lighting and operation field magnification are helpful. As the attendance at the workplace is every-day, it's important to maintain a favourable work environment and to choose suitable working clothes and personal protective equipment.

The correct posture should be held also during the work with a computer, which should be suitably laid out. The conclusion of the second part again brings ten basic recommendations.