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Vaclav Švambera : Professor of Charles University



The exhibition was prepared on the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Czech geographer and hydrologist. His life and work was presented on twenty boards.

V.Švambera was an author of the most extensive three volume monograph on Congo River, he was an explorer of Šumava lakes but primarily he was the founder and director of the Geographical Institute in Albertov in Prague including the State Map Collection and Geographical Library. He published an edition of old maps Monumenta Cartographica Bohemiae and a subject edition Travaux géographiques tchèques intended to promote the geography abroad.

He was an editor of National Atlas of the Czechoslovak Republic. Švambera was also a Dean of the Faculty of Science of Charles University. Professor lectured at the faculty for 33 years but he also delivered a number of popularizing lectures both at home and abroad.

He was a supervisor or an opponent of more than 150 dissertations. He was a Secretary General of the 1st Congress of Slavonic geographers and ethnographers in Prague in 1924.

The tradition of the Congress lasted until the World War II. He was awarded many international decorations and honoured by a number of honorary memberships.

He retired in 1936 and died in 1939. He was among the most important personalities of the Faculty of Science in the interwar period.