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Monitoring of DNA methylation in ovarian cancer using microarrays

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The aim of this pilot sudy was whole-genome screening of DNA methylation in ovarian cancer patients. Monitoring of DNA methylation was focused on promoter regions and also on CpG islands.

Our study included 6 samples obtained from patients with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer and 6 nonmalignant control samples of ovaries. All samples were analysed using a custom designed methylation microarrays based on the methylated DNA immunoprecipitation.

Using microarrays designed in collaboration with specialists of the HPST company we found in the tumor tissue tendency to overall DNA hypomethylation. Furthermore we managed to get a set of hypermethylated genes for confirmation analyses.

DNA methylation changes are considered to be a one of the first changes during carcinogenesis. Due to this fact could be newly identified changes, in case of detection in plasma of ovarian cancer patient, used as screening markers in risk population.

Monitoring of DNA methylation could contribute to improve the care of ovarian cancer patients, including possible financial saving due to early diagnosis and possible prediction of response to treatment.