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The ČTK Law: The Halfway Transformation : Evolution of relationships between political and media sphere in the 90's of the 20th century

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The book describes evolvement of relations between Czech political and media sphere in the 90ties of 20th century, focusing on the ČTK transformation, in which media sphere was influenced by politics. The first three chapters describe the legislative process of drafting law for the ČTK (The Acts No. 123/1965 Coll., 310/1991 Coll., 517/1992 Coll.).

The next two chapters deal with application of those legal norms and putting them into practice: illustrated by election procedure of the very first ČTK Council (1993), and by Czech government s attempt to reinstate the obligation to publish full-text of its statements, and to redefine the mission of the agency (1995). The last chapter summarizes attitudes concerning change of the ČTK Statute and the possible privatization of the agency.