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Workshop to knowledge organization terminological issues



The Workshop on terminological issues of knowledge organization took place 29. 10. 2014 at the National Library of the Czech Republic (Klementinum 190, Prague 1) under the auspices of Librarianship Institute of the National Library. Number of participants 11 (nationwide character, representatives from various institutions of the Czech Republic).

The aim was to discuss the proposal to update the existing Czech terminology for knowledge organization field with domain experts. The participants presented proposals for the Czech equivalents of the English terms ""knowledge organization"" and ""knowledge organization system.

They also expressed their views on the proposed updating of the existing typology of indexing languages (identification, subject, systematic indexing languages) used within the Czech language context and the feasibility to align it with the internationally accepted NKOS KOS Types Vocabulary ( All documentation is available from reserchers, including the minutes and conclusions.