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Testing of Electrochemical Efficiency of Wall-Jet Cell FC2 as a Tool for Detection of Electrochemically Oxidisable Biomarkers

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In order to test the suitability of newly developed wall-jet electrochemical cells FC2 for detection of electrochemically active biomarkers, electrochemical efficiency of those cells have been characterized using [Fe (CN)(6)](3-)/[Fe(CN)(6)](4-) redox couple as a probe. Measurements were performed in the range of Reynolds numbers from 0.067 to 21.3 for flow rates 0.1-32 ml/hr.

Efficiency of the cells were found to be in the range of 0.06-5.3 %. The dependence of efficiency E on the flow rate Q follows the equation E (%) = a x Q(b) (a = 0.855, b = -0.746;[Q] = ml/hr) with R = 0,999.

The difference between the three cells can be characterized by SD of a and b (8.2 % and 5.2 %, respectively). The dependence of current I (nA) on the flow rate Q follows the same equation I(nA) = a.Q(b) with a = 2294 and b = 0,255 (SD = 8.2 % and 14.7 % for a and b, respectively).

FC2 cell with wall-jet hydrodynamics provides reproducible electrochemical measurements with well-defined efficiency and current flow dependence.