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The Most Common Misconceptions of Primary School Pupils Associated with the Term Protection in the Chemical Context

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Each student brings from his everyday life a lot of personal experiences and ideas. These ideas can be mistaken or erroneous.

We use a comprehensive term for these mistaken ideas and it is misconception. Misconception is understood as a mistaken idea or erroneous one.

It is associated with the students' erroneous beliefs and wrong ideas of the curriculum. In the course the teacher does not play only one important role but also the pupil ideas and experiences, which bring the pupil from their surroundings, place a important role too.

Teachers should work with these wrong ideas and they should try to correct these misconceptions. The part of this article is not only literature search of the issue misconception, but also the results of research conducted on pupils in the eighth and ninth grades at nine elementary schools.

The aim of the research was to map out the most common misconceptions associated with the term protection in the chemical context.