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Breast cancer surgery after neoadjuvant treatment - the advantages and the disadvantages from surgeon's point of view and the benefits for patients

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Induction, neoadjuvant therapy refers to a treatment modality that precedes onkochirurgickému performance. Its clinical applications in oncology began in the 80s and expanded in the next decade of the last century.

Since then, induction has found a greater or lesser application in complex treatment of malignant tumors in most cancer centers. Induction is still undergoing its development, specifying the indications, patient selection, initiation and timing of its operations after completion of induction.

Optimal algorithms with induction therapy have been investigated by a number of studies. Onkochirurgovi and clinical oncologist brought the method of induction of breast cancer (KP) many positive experiences.

And most importantly - it is beneficial especially for the patient. Significantly increased the percentage of total responses to systemic treatment (ORR).

Above all, it increased the number of complete clinical response (CCR) and pathological complete response (pCR) .In malignant mammary tumor induction therapy have found a firm place in the algorithm of complex treatment of locally advanced tumors of the gastrointestinal / advanced malignancy of the esophagus, stomach, rectum, liver etc.). The decision respects the induction treatment of stage tumor diseases and biological parameters of each individual tumor.

In addition to extensive histological examination we respect the results of the molecular and genetic analysis. The tumor genotype certainly find a lot of new knowledge and capabilities as and when the malignant tumors treated effectively.

In oncology practice the concept of neoadjuvant think primarily systemic treatment. For KP are chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and biological.