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The origin of long-lived asteroids in the 2:1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter

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The 2:1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter harbours two distinct groups of asteroids. The short-lived population is known to be a transient group sustained in steady state by the Yarkovsky semimajor axis drift.

The long-lived asteroids, however, can exhibit dynamical lifetimes comparable to 4 Gyr. They reside near two isolated islands of the phase space denoted A and B, with an uneven population ratio B/A similar or equal to 10.

The orbits of A-island asteroids are predominantly highly inclined, compared to island B. The size-frequency distribution is steep but the orbital distribution lacks any evidence of a collisional cluster.

These observational constraints are somewhat puzzling and therefore the origin of the long-lived asteroids has not been explained so far. With the aim to provide a viable explanation, we first update the resonant population and revisit its physical properties.

Using anN-body model with seven planets and the Yarkovsky effect included, we demonstrate that the dynamical depletion of island A is faster, in comparison with island B. Then we investigate (i) the survivability of primordial resonant asteroids and (ii) capture of the population during planetary migration, following a recently described scenario with an escaping fifth giant planet and a jumping-Jupiter instability.

We also model the collisional evolution of the resonant population over past 4 Gyr. Our conclusion is that the long-lived group was created by resonant capture from a narrow part of hypothetical outer main-belt family during planetary migration.

Primordial asteroids surviving the migration were probably not numerous enough to substantially contribute to the observed population.