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Long-term outcomes after elective ileocecal resection in children with active localized Crohn's disease-a multicenter European study

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic role of an elective ileocecal resection in children with active localized Crohn's disease. Methods: This was a retrospective multicenter study which included five European referral centers which included all children with Crohn's disease who underwent ileocecal surgery from 2000 to 2011 and had a minimum of 12 months follow-up.

Results: Altogether 68 patients fulfilled inclusion criteria. Median age at diagnosis was 13.7 years (6.6-17.9 years) and at surgery 15.2 years (8.6-18.5 years).

Median duration of postoperative clinical remission was 20 months (3-95 months). Overall 54 patients (79.4%) were in remission one year after surgery and 38 (55.9%) during the total postsurgical follow up (median 30 months; range 12-95 months).

Z score height for age significantly improved postoperatively in children who were at the time of surgery younger than 16 years of age (mean difference 0.232 SD; p = 0.029). Cox proportional hazard regression model failed to indicate risk factors associated with postsurgical relapse.

Conclusion: Elective ileocecal resection is a valid treatment option which should be considered in a subset of pediatric patients with localized Crohn's disease with the aim of achieving clinical remission and to improve growth.