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Utopias/Dystopias: Forms and Transformations in Arts Studies, Historical and Philological Disciplines

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The second workshop focused on the broadly defined relationship Utopias/Dystopias: Forms and Transformations in Arts Studies, Historical and Philological Disciplines. It was organized according to the individual sub-programmes of the 9th research programme.

While the structure of the previous volume copies that of the research programme, this book follows a different pattern across the boundaries between individual research teams, thus approaching the form of a collaborative monograph. Based on a chronological arrangement of topics, it aims to establish a framework for the confrontation of diverse issues related to the theme of utopia/dystopia in the context of Anglophone literatures and cultures, within the framework of Czech literature, with respect to its relations to the Francophone area, in relation to the history of art media and from the perspective of more general historiographical contexts.